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samedi 5 novembre 2016

A Summary On Hearing Evaluations

By Ann Myers

In the broad course of audiology, specialists with the specialty in assessing a person hearing ability are referred to as audiologist. Before evaluation, screening is done so as to separate individuals free of listening loss from those affected. The procedure of screening those problems is a quick and cost effective compared to that of evaluation as it involves few questions by the specialist mainly on medical and hearing history. Those that fail the screening test repeatedly are subject to hearing evaluations.

Main reasons for evaluations are to know the nature and how extent a patient is subjected to hearing loss. The loss is subject to the degree of the problem. To know the best treatment to carry out is achieved when the evaluation is done perfectly. Various machines and test are carried out to confirm the impairment when an evaluation is in the process.

The mode of testing is dependent on dependent of age, specific region and the extent of infection. Elders and children are evaluated differently. It is advisable to perform self-checking on the functionality of the ear when a problem is noticed before going to the doctor. This can be done by any person either adult or children. Hearing process is procedural and different tests based on the anatomy of an ear are done so as to evaluate and know exactly where the problem arises.

Pure-tone examination method works effectively on all individual. Its mode of action is simple, and it works by recording the extent of the highness or lowness of the sound that an individual will hear. Devices that resemble normal earphones are worn so as to pass the impulse and transfer the sound. Interpretation of an audio is by an audiogram depending on whether experiments on sight or it is conditioned to respond to sound accordingly.

Speech testing examines listening and speech. Results are obtained in an audiogram. The threshold of the speech is determined. This test may be done in quiet, noisy or moderate noisy areas to get the best results. People with listening loss will have difficulty understanding the speech on a background. This information is helpful to the audiologist.

The middle ear contains most of the components of the ear that are very vital. To test ear functioning much information helpful to identify any condition is derived. Detection of fluid, air and appearance of the eardrum is shown. The specific location of an infection area and its extent is noted. The relationship between the nervous system and auditory system is keenly linked to understanding the problem.

Medication is given about the evaluations results. Different types of therapy are employed that include drugs, technical aids for self-training and rehabilitation when the condition appears extreme. Precautionary measures and cleanliness of ears should be maintained so as to avoid damage to the ear drum that can lead to hearing loss.

Evaluation should be carried out by a certified specialist with frequent training on matters of evaluation so as to give good results and treatment to the patient.

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