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lundi 19 juin 2017

High Tech Clean From Autec Carwash

By Matthew Hughes

The technology of automobiles expanded much further than the experts and designers anticipated in the late Nineteenth century. While the basic engine remains the same, the parts and accessories that accompany this petroleum based gem of innovation, handling, and performance caused humans to leap from mechanical carriage to space-age travel pod. Alongside these designers were geeks working at Autec Carwash station locations.

A century ago, washing the car was kind of of like washing the horse, but many autos had no real metal on the roof or inside the carriage. In fact, washing the car was more like detail dusting furniture, only this furniture had oil and grime that the leather couch never encountered. If one failed to keep it squeaky clean and store their horseless carriage under a covering, then it was not going to be a running vehicle for long, because rust IS a thing.

Metal became the rigid outer shell of the newer models, starting from steel then utilizing the much lighter aluminum. This metal shell has allowed us to have automobiles that stay nice and dry on the leather. Additionally, areas exposed to moisture are not as vulnerable, and the encroachment of rust can take half a century to do any real damage.

Car washing has often been the task of pre-teens and teenagers. Some smart girl somewhere decided to put on a bikini and hold out a sign to wash cars for money, and the men roll in for an almost innocent show of soapy playful girls. These kids make enough money during such fund raisers to fly entire classrooms to European destinations.

Someone decided that children had been playful scrubbers long enough, and the drive through car wash was born. Those towels on rollers were at least as mediocre at cleaning a car as any 10 year old had ever aspired to be. Not only that, but they were loud, scary, shook the car, and traumatized toddlers into fits of laughter and tears that combined into glee with a hint of terror.

These first automatic drive through establishments were built at filling stations as an addendum to gasoline purchases. They did not perform without error right off the drawing board. In fact, the first extremely unanticipated flaw revealed itself when the arms controlling those huge brushes were shown to be designed for a particular size of vehicle.

The most common, sedan style of auto was safe from anything but micro scratches. These came as a result of the frightening speed and power that wet towels could achieve on a giant rolling mechanism. However, the big Econo van with shag carpet, an 8-track player, and a CB radio in back was likely to be scratched or a side mirror cracked.

Bummer that the most difficult vehicle to wash in the driveway would be the one that did not fit in a drive through. Lazy teens had hoped drive through washing could save them from having to actually work for money. It is true that teen girls will always be able to raise money for school plans working it old school, but car wash progression will not stop at brush-less, and even the laziest teens make way more than a five spot working at full service car wash.

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