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dimanche 14 octobre 2018

With A Bariatric Surgeon New Jersey Patients Can Beat Obesity

By Cynthia Brooks

Everywhere one looks one notices truly overweight and obese people. The World Health Organization has indeed classified obesity as a major health threat, especially in developed countries. Overweight people have to deal with many problems. They are more likely to contract serious and even life threatening conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes. They cannot enjoy active lives because they struggle to move and to bend. But with a bariatric surgeon New Jersey residents may just get a new lease on life.

The surgical removal of fat from various parts of the body is considered to be a very serious operation. There is always the risk of complications and far too many patients use to view this procedure as an easy way in which to lose weight quickly. These days, surgeons are very careful about accepting patients. They will not perform the procedure before they are sure that the patients is utterly dedicated to adopting a new life style.

A surprising percentage of potential patients simply cannot make the dramatic changes expected of them during the six months preparation period and are therefore no longer eligible for the procedure. They become truly motivated and even hire special coaches to help them stay motivated and to develop the discipline necessary to adopt a totally new life style. For them, surgery is just the first step towards a brand new life.

No doctor worth his salt will consider performing this procedure on patients that have used tobacco periods during the previous six months or that consumes alcohol regularly. Smoking increases the risk of blood clots and this can be very serious during and after surgery. Alcohol plays around with the blood sugar levels and this can also cause potentially dangerous complications.

To show their dedication towards losing weight and to reduce the possibility of complications, patients are required to lose quite a lot of weight prior to surgery. Many find it extremely difficult to adapt to a strict new diet. Sugar is out and every meal must contain at least some protein. Salt and caffeine intake must also be limited. It goes without saying that fast foods and snacking are taboo.

Another strict requirement is to immediately embark upon a strict exercise regime. Low impact activities such as swimming, cycling and walking are highly recommended. Many patients also find it beneficial to take up disciplines such as yoga. Apart from the physical health benefits, it also helps them to become more flexible, to concentrate better and to develop the ability to focus upon the achievement of specific goals.

The period immediately after the surgery can be difficult. Patients have to expect severe bruising and they will experience discomfort and even pain for a while. Walking and bending may be difficult for a few weeks. However, these side effects are normal and expected and will fade away within a week or two. Patients are also forbidden solid foods for two weeks after the surgery.

Weight loss surgery is certainly not for everyone. Patients need to be absolutely dedicated to the adoption of a new, healthy, active lifestyle. Surgery is not a quick and easy way to lose weight. It is simply a single major intervention that can help overweight and obese people on the road to a new lifestyle.

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