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jeudi 9 mars 2017

The College Bar And Its Qualities

By Debra Wood

There are many towns in the nation that are recognized because they play host to good schools. These are the so called college towns or academic centers whose life has symbiotic relationships with the towns where they are found. Residents all have some connection to the institution of higher learning in these places and they mostly try to serve the needs of students.

Schools found in the southern part of the country offer historical reputations and really excellent training current for the times. The best of them include a place commonly known as Virginia Tech, which is a polytechnic and state university, the institution that college bar Blacksburg serves. This is one of the oldest and best engineering schools to be found anywhere in the country.

In the city the storied campus was founded through inherited properties of the Black family, specifically Samuel Black and his two sons John and William. The former inherited property that was to eventually become the Virginia Tech campus, while the latter got property that was later to become the downtown of modern Blacksburg. Both have bequeathed impressive places for students and residents today.

The places for students here often have excellent vibes and alcohol is often a secondary item to aid the academic mind. There are activities geared for relaxing or chilling and a lot of students go because they need some time for relaxing or having fun. Activities can be formal and informal, of any kind, like socials, frat meetings and simple meetings of friends.

A typical Saturday will have people hopping from bar to bar at very affordable prices. The thing here is to have fun places to mingle and not about being posh or exclusive. Places here feature enough decoration and regalia and other abstruse symbolic stuff so that they can offer something unique to students and patrons.

Some bars specialize in sporting games that can be conducted while drinking. Darts are the most popular games, while there can be others available, depending on preference or availability, things like board games. There will be a TV or two in most places, and there are those which feature all kinds of sports channels on many TV sets.

Food, too, is something served in bars, though it is often a sidelight to the drinks. There will be times when drinkers feel the need for eating something, and the eats here are excellent, based on local cuisine and its favorites. Hokies of many kinds and persuasions have all got some line or another for their favorite bar or bars.

There are some dozen or so bars that have become centers of student life on the main street of the town. One or two are exclusive to crowds that need some fuel for specific school teams. The ones where frat brothers congregate can have some arcane ritual stuff, like a welcome free punch booster that has an instant buzz.

Bars accommodate the student rhythms, whether the need is for a drink, some companionship or usually both, and they know how to take care of rowdy academic hijinks. Most people here know most other folks and Blacksburg is one of those known to be a great place to live in the South.

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