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mercredi 19 juin 2019

Putting Public Service Before Politics

By Donald Davis

Politics is a term that has gotten pretty much muddled up and confounded with public service. In fact, the way things stand, its practically difficult to divorce the concept of the first from that of a business, career, or path to celebrity. Anyone can imagine just how unprepossessing that is. All those running for office should know how to differentiate and put public service before politics.

Thats a necessary mantra to keep in mind. After all, its easy to be misled on what the meat of politics really is. Recently, it has come to be a jump start to power. Politicians run for office to enrich and empower themselves. It goes without saying, but the nub of the matter is always on service. One joins the ranks so as to make the lives of their fellowman or countryman smooth sailing.

Other considerations are not as conspicuous as theyre wont to be. First off, you have concerns on public transportation. This is a multifaceted factor, since it has to take to account elements like population density, urban planning, and even income per capita. In a similar tone, theres public infrastructure. Jurisdictional laws like building codes and the like help greatly in regulating this field.

You also have the Military. This one is responsible for maintaining a balance of power in the international arena that will best leverage a states interests. Most directly and particularly, its responsible for ensuring national security which, needless to say, is no mean feat. It branches out to concerns like technological capacity and geopolitical factors, and so on and so forth.

The dispensers of service are also pretty much an extensive party. It may be in the form of a doctor who cures the sick with considerably reduced fees or a lawyer who represents a client pro bono. It may be a maintenance person who repairs community utility lines. Or maybe its in the form of a technology thats innovated by developers and technicians, you get the drift.

Among the credos of public service is that its constantly available to all. And that means it in the strongest sense of the phrase. Regardless of physical ability, level of income, mental competency, and just about any drawback and hindrance you can think of. Anyone can imagine why a trusty figurehead with a respectable platform should be put atop this.

The sectors which public service subsumes are many. In the end, most can just be pinned down to fundamental human rights. The political mother ship is responsible for bringing that about. In some cases, theyre responsible for supplying and dispensing certain thingamajigs, such as water. And generally, you just have those serving institutions from fire departments and paramedic groups.

Lots of circumstances are dependent here. From educational facilities and opportunities to utilities like water and electricity. Plus, you have the nifty services of emergency and police services, as well as general law enforcement. These lastly mentioned round up the applications which cities take for granted. But because of them, constituents do tend to feel safer, and society thrives because of that.

The thing is, societal problems are things that must be viewed from a birds eye view. If not, then one risks making decisions and courses of actions seemingly from the ivory tower. This should naturally not be the case. Rather, one must see to it that theyre unquestionably catering to the general wellbeing and interest of the populace. As per the aphorism, selfless service must take preponderance over the self enterprising world of politics.

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