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mercredi 18 juillet 2018

State Fair Has Horse Drawn Carriage Oakland County MI

By Rebecca Hill

The vastness and expanse of this universe knows no limits. How it began and where it will end nobody knows. Contemporary scientists theorized that a cosmic explosion started it all. Particles combined and rubbed against each other causing friction that caused the big bang. The conglomeration created bodies of mass and matter that became galaxies. On one of these planets there is a creature called man. As means to travel became available. Man became more mobile. Reliving this old time travel is to experience horse drawn carriage Oakland County MI.

The galaxy where the earth is at is just among many that is home to other planets and sun systems. The sun where the earth revolves is a medium star that is made of highly combustible gasses like hydrogen and helium. Earth is lucky not to situated near or else life could not have existed.

Masses of land cover about one third of the surface of earth. The rest is occupied by the ocean. Both these environs support life in many forms like fishes in the ocean and the most popular creature on the ground known as man.

The evolution of man from great apes took billions of years. By the time consciousness set in, the thinking brain began to develop and with this came the use of tools and the ability to fashion things from the surroundings. This two legged creature has come a long way from where it came from, sea creature that got stuck into land.

Humans need to ingest food in order to have the energy to breathe and move. It is processed inside the body by organs that isolate the nutrients and transform it into energy. Searching and looking for food is the basic first actions of a man, it is a pre requisite to surviving. Out of this need came other needs related to existence. Shelter and clothing are among them.

Economy makes the world go round now in this age of high technology. All economic activity is the result of man finding ways and means to satisfy not only the basic need but also the artificial needs. The human nature is a vain creature. And with this vanity comes a plethora of things that are often not really needed by the bio physique. These extraneous things have become so widely distributed that it seems man cannot live without it.

Man initiated activity involves movement. This encompasses both people and commodities. The lesser time it takes to move the item, the better. It also requires less effort. Man graduated from travelling on foot to riding animals and now in modern times, in riding vehicles.

There are many instances in life when man must make a choice. Making it can sometimes be very time consuming. The best way to this is by making use to today prevailing technology. This platform provides voluminous of data of information. Making use of these is very helpful in choosing the product. Evaluate what information is at hand and come up with a decision before going on a trip down memory lane.

No matter where this creature man goes, a trail of destruction happens. Like a virus that consumes its host so have the humans consumed anything that can be of use in this planet. The ecological imbalance has threated the way humans now live. Global warming is fast becoming an international issue. It seems that future generation will have to mutate to deal with the rapid reduction of oxygen in the atmosphere, a result of man not carefully rationalizing the use of the gifts of nature.

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